Monday, October 11, 2010

The San Diego Zoo

We started with the elephants.

Here we are watching them feed the elephants. It was amazing. The trainer would put food in his trunk like cantaloupe and cucumbers. The elephant kept wanting the trainer to blow in his trunk. They seemed so comfortable with each other even though the elephant was so huge and the trainer was tiny.

I like this shot of the Jo's hat and her little belly.

Baylub walked pretty much the whole day holding his map of the zoo. He kept it spread open in front of him all day, periodically inspecting where we should go. It was really cute.

Pretending to be seals popping up through the ice.

Adam's and Baylub's favorite was hands down the polar bears. We stopped and watched them wrestle underwater for about fifteen minutes.

Sleepy lion.

Excited about the giraffes.

After a long day, we took a break in this shaded reptile enclosure and let the kids run around while we rested our piggies. The kept running back and forth yelling, "Look at this snake!" or "Look at this one!"

Our only picture of both kids looking and smiling at the camera.

We had to line up to see the pandas and stay really quiet while we were in their enclosure.

Waiting for the sea lion show to start.

This was my favorite part of the zoo.

It was Jo's too. She kept grunting and talking while we watched and dancing with the music.

What a fun day!

First Day of School (totally late)

Baylub had his first day of school... last month. In my defense for a late posting, I forgot I wanted to blog this and school didn't start until after labor day, so almost the second week of September and then our little co-op preschool group didn't start until a week after that, so he is just starting.

I have been looking forward to this for a long time and so has he. It is the first real structure we have had in our little family's schedule, which honestly helps me a lot with my days of just me motivating myself. It is hard to be accountable only to myself.

We were also looking forward to it so that we (mainly he) can make new friends (especially with other boys) and get a new back pack.

Here he is ready to go...

...and here he is walking right back inside.

School was at our house the first day, but he still loved it. It has taken a couple of weeks for him not to cry when school is over or when I pick him up. He feels confident now that he will get to go again.

While he's gone, we get girl time! It is so much fun to be with just my girls for a few hours. And Baylub gets his social time. He is doing so much better than I even anticipated, playing well, listening to his teachers, and just thoroughly enjoying himself. As a mom, I LOVE school!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Continue in Patience

Great video! The blondie in the green dress is my cute niece.

My only concern is that I am 110% sure that at four years old I would have snarfed that marshmallow as soon as the guy walked out of the room. Does that mean that I am doomed to be unsuccessful and that my relationships have all suffered because of my emotional eating? Can I ever overcome my lack of patience as a four year old?...