Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Still not yet... but soon

I was due last Sunday, the 6th, but still no baby. I'm going to be induced tomorrow so I figure I would write one last time on here before I'm super busy. I was hoping to not be induced, but I just go so late and I'm REALLY done being pregnant. I'm not even close to going into labor so I figure it's either induce now or induce later. I choose now. Here is a belly shot from about three weeks ago at the Springville Art Museum. Notice the little man in the background who didn't have the patience to wait for Dad to take the picture.

Along with stuff to get done before the baby comes, it seems that many of my friends are having big changes in their lives too. I was able to hang out with mission companion Natalie for a little while before the move to Seattle. We had a good time just chilling in our back yard with the toys. Her girls are so cute! It was great to see you Natalie!

We are also having some major backyard improvements. My brother installed a super cool swing. It's attatched to a really high branch that he climbed up to reach.

The long ropes allow for a really big swing that Caleb and his cousins LOVE! I wish I could fit. It looks so fun. Here is Caleb with his aunt Jessie.

Adam, my super duper fix it man, is redoing the deck. It is a pretty crummy deck but he is making it look so nice. I'm going to have to post some final pictures later, but here are some of his demolition shots. I love a man who is good with his hands.


Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK! I hope labor is quick and easy for you!

Anonymous said...

There is a light at the end of the pregnancy tunnel! Good Luck with everything. At least you can reassure yourself that you look so beautiful at nine months pregnant! You look fabulous. Sorry you have to be induced and don't want to but I am so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

First of all... CONGRATS!!! I heard she was born this afternoon! I am excited to see Lucy!
Second of all... this was a fun post! Thanks for taking the time to do one more before you became a family of 4! ;) That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?!

Anonymous said...

Congrats you guys! I hope everything went smoothly (besides the pain of the inducement). I bet she's a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the induction and labor and delivery! Soon you won't be pregnant anymore! Hurray!