Monday, June 30, 2008

Catch up!

Here are some of our recent summer adventures.

For Father's Day, Adam got a new grill. He has been dreaming of one for quite a while. I tried to surprise him, but he ended up seeing it through the kitchen window late at night getting Caleb a drink of milk. He said he was so excited, he couldn't go back to sleep for almost an hour.

As you can see, Adam is standing on the deck that he built. I haven't taken any official finished pictures but you can see the demolishing pictures in a previous post. He did such a good job and it is so much nicer than it used to be. Yay Adam.

Caleb is now in a big boy bed. The transition has been surprisingly easy. He fell off only once into the toys at the foot of his bed. When he doesn't want to be asleep yet, he gets up and plays for a bit, but he never falls asleep on the floor. He so far has always climbed into bed and falls asleep curled up in some funny position.

We go on morning walks a couple of times a week and then are outside a bit as well. Caleb has gotten plenty of sun as his feet show. Those are the tan lines from his sandals.

We went down to St. George for a family reunion on Adam's side. It was super fun. We went four wheeling and spent a lot of time playing games or swimming. Caleb had mixed emotions over the dinner his dad was trying to feed him.

But he loved the four wheeler!

Lucy spent her time either being held by many family members (and her mom), sitting in her stroller, or sitting in her car seat. The life of a baby. The one in her car seat was taken under a big red umbrella. She looks sunburnt but she really isn't, I promise.

There is a small park in St. George that has some fountains similar to those at the Gateway in Salt Lake. It was SO HOT, so we thought we would stop by and check it out. I think Adam enjoyed it a lot more than Caleb. ha ha ha

Caleb and Lucy are still recuperating from a napless, hot, over stimulating weekend. But it was definitely worth it. Adam's mom has seven siblings and this weekend was the first time all of them were able to attend the temple together. Because of cranky babies, I wasn't able to attend but it still was a special experience to be able to spend time with everyone there.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome that Caleb is in a big bed now. Brooklyn's slept in one for a while now and it's so much better than a crib. I love that she'll wake up in the morning and start playing, and not cry to get out of her crib.

Anonymous said...

Gas prices are just to high. I wanted to go, but we couldn't afford it. It worked out great that you were all able to ride together. I guess we will see you on Sunday!