Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Ok, I was tagged awhile ago, sorry it's taken me so long Jess.

5 things I need to do this week:

1. Clean the bathrooms
2. Plant some flowers and the rest of the veggies (I can't believe it's been so cold for so long; June and 50 degree weather)
3. Go on a date with Adam
4. Vacuum
5. Laundry

5 snacks I enjoy

1. Tostitos Corn Chips
2. Cheese
3. Nibs
4. Nature's Valley Fruit and Nut Granola Bars
5. 7 Layer Dip

5 Places I have lived

1. Utah
2. Pennsylvania
3. Ukraine
4. England
5. Ogden (down town Ogden seemed a very different place than all the other cities in Utah I have lived in so I will count it as different (: )

5 Jobs I've had

1. Brick Oven Restaurant, Hostess
2. ATL Technology (various very boring positions)
3. BYU School of Music, Receptionist
4. MTC, Russian Teacher
5. Barnes Banking Co., Loan Processor and New Accounts

5 Things you may not know about me

1. I have double jointed thumbs, kind of
2. I love lip gloss and can't handle just plain lip stick
3. I'm deathly afraid of sharks
4. I don't like cake and ice cream together
5. I am now, thanks to Jess, distantly related to Napolean Dynamite (ha ha ha)

5 Favorite Musicians or Bands

1. Sting
2. Rascal Flatts
3. BYU Choirs (I know, a bit cliche, but they have the best music and sound the best especially because Suzanne is on a few albums (:...)
4. Garth Brooks
5. Dixie Chicks

I tag whoever wants to be tagged. I don't know if you hate these or not but just do it if you want to. I'd love to read about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you are claiming Jon Heder as a relative! Thanks for going along with me tagging you. I know that they are kind of weird/annoying, but they are fun to read...