Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Two too sad events...

Well, make that three. I had my birthday recently and now I am much closer to age "30" than I'd like to be. I can feel the threat of being old looming in my future. Not really, it just is crazy how fast time flies. I need to get a lot more done.

The two really sad events are...

#1 I washed our ipod in the laundry. I had it in my sweatshirt pocket from when I went running that morning and never took it out. When I saw it lying in the drier, I felt a pit in my stomach. It was a gift from my brother.

My family was at my house when I discovered this tragedy and so, to console me, my parents gave me a new ipod for my birthday. They spoil me. Thanks so much mom and dad.

#2 This one is a doozy. I cringe just thinking about it. Tonight while making dinner, I grated the side of my finger on the cheese grater. It didn't hurt that bad it was just creepy to have happen. I checked the grater after I bandaged my finger and found some blood. ohhhhhhh blah. Don't worry, I thouroughly washed it before I finished making dinner.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the ipod and your finger! That hurts! The other day I thought I'd be good and make a salad for lunch and totally cut my finger while chopping carrots. I guess I learned my lesson - no salads for lunch!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bummer day! Tomorrow will be better...

Anonymous said...

uck, I am sorry.... the cheese grater? Really!?

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so sorry! Good thing you got a new one so fast. Mine was stolen out of our car a month or so ago and I still haven't gotten a new one. Aidan keeps asking for all of his fav songs.....and YIKES with the cheese grater!