Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Joys of Pooping

Who knew it would be so satisfying to have a baby poop successfully!

Since going to solids, little Lu has had diaper trouble.

You'd never know it, she's such a happy girl though.

It was to the point of feeding her full bottles of prunes and pears, watering down her bottles, and cutting out pretty much all other solid foods.

One quick trip to the doctor solved that problem.

And now we are back to our normal selves with normal diapers that bring Lucy's mommy so much peace.


Anonymous said...

Hurray! I know it has been a struggle. Hopefully problem solved and she can enjoy a better variety of foods.

Anonymous said...

Bodily functions are always so important to mommies!

Anonymous said...

isn't it funny how once you have children you become obsessed with bodily functions? I am glad things are back to "normal" :)