Friday, October 2, 2009


Fall is most definitely upon us. The weather dropped from a comfy 80 to chilly 50 in less than a 24 hour period. I hope we don't skip some nice 70-ish temperatures completely this fall. Luckily we enjoyed the leaves up Provo Canyon before it snowed. They are breathtaking.

Some small updates, nothing too big or exciting. Lulu and Baylub are growing up and as evidence, Lulu is becoming more fashion conscious in spite of the fact that her mullet is getting more and more difficult to hide. Her sassy little boots are her favorite. That and her squeaky shoes. She just has a shoe fetish in general and loves her jackets. The boots and the jacket in this photo were all her own choice. (note the long hair in back and still no hair on top)

Some other fun facts about the kiddalids, Baylub is becoming more and more reasonable and picking up so many things that shock me. The other day we were having some hot chocolate with lunch (because of the cold weather) and he said very quietly to himself "Oh my heck, this hot chocolate is bery yummy." I laughed for a while and then talked about saying "oh my goodness." I don't think I say "oh my heck" very much but I must if he's picking up on it. He listens better now and I can reason with him through some tantrums (not all, just some).

On the other end of the spectrum, Lulu is declaring her independence with the word "no" and we have little battles of will already, mainly over the books. If it was up to her, we would read picture books all day (mainly Go Dog Go, Leo the Late Bloomer, Green Eggs and Ham, Oh the Places You'll Go, and Clap Your Hands and Stomp Your Feet). I am constantly putting the books back up on the shelf. I LOVE that she loves books, but I have started to try to push the "one at a time and then put it back" concept. She gets it, but she tests her limits refusing to touch the book on the floor until I end up holding her hand to do it. When she does do it on her own after me asking a MILLION times, I praise her up and down. Hopefully it will click soon. It's actually quite funny to watch her try and stand up to her parents. I mean, does she really think she's going to win?

She also surprised me the other day by climbing to the very highest slide on the playground all by herself when I wasn't around and my sister-in-law was watching. She headed up there like she had done it a million times, turned around so she was feet first and zoomed down the very tall twisty slide. I had never let her even climb to that area. Sometimes I think I hold her back because her size and her lack of hair make her feel so much younger to me than she really is. She talks like crazy though, saying new words everyday.

Baylub is also becoming even more social, dying to go outside and play with the older neighbor boys. I really look forward to the day when I can just let him go play without keeping an an eye on him. He always wants to play with the older boys though, like those 3 or 4 years older. Someone once told me that is a sign of intelligence but I think people say pretty much anything is a sign of intelligence in children including hitting, not hitting, focusing or not focusing. People just love to hear that their kid is a genius. I know I do.

Last of all, we found an awesome deal on a bassinet. I have borrowed bassinets in the past but none are available this time around. Bassinets are really pricey so I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I just happened to look on KSL one Saturday morning and saw a barely used one not far from here for a great deal. We went and checked it out. The family looked nice, the house was clean, and the bassinet was in good shape so we got it.

I'm not sure if this is the case with other people, but with each baby so far, there comes a point near the end where some object or piece of clothing just makes something in my brain click and in my mind the baby becomes even more real and almost here. Because of one little baby object, I all of a sudden can't wait to hold him, see his face, touch his fingers and toes, hear his cry, all of those things. With Baylub, it was just one little outfit that I picked out to take to the hospital. With Lulu, it was a second ultrasound I got at 34 weeks. And now with this one, this bassinet has me so excited to see this little guy. I can just imagine him (or her we still don't know I just don't like calling him an "it") lying in it all wrapped up tight so small and cute.

Can you picture it? So, that is my biggest most recent news. Not much, but sometimes no news means life is still good just moving along.


Anonymous said...

Yeah for a great update!!! Loved the post! Your children are growing so big. I see so much of Bryan in your son, and Anna Marie in your daughter. They're beautiful! Those Ellertson genes are strong!

Jessie said...

Great update Lara...I love your kids! ...and the bassinet is so cute.

Johnstun Fam said...

What sweet little ones you have! They are so dang cute. I love the bassinet, it is so cute! and we can't wait foryour little one to get here too! Let's plan something next time you guys are in town.

Jon and Shiloh said...

I can see you guys with another "him" :) Not too much longer to go!

Sara said...

Fun update!! Your kids are so fun. I totally know what you mean about that one object. Mine was also picking out an outfit for the hospital.
The bassinet is so cute!