Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lovin' the Lake

We have been lucky enough to move into a city that has a beautiful man-made lake to which all city residents may have free access. It is AMAZING! Beautiful beaches, lifeguards, snack bar, free concerts, summer camps, boat rentals including party boats, and you can fish here for free and your membership pass acts as a fishing license. It's like a dream.

Here we are one evening after Adam came home from work.

The homes on the lake front properties are beautiful and only add to the scenery.

The things I appreciate the most is that the lake is even closer than the beach and my kids will actually swim in this water. We get our piggies wet in the ocean, and , truth be told, my kids are still terrified of the waves (workin' on it) but now that a heat wave is moving through the area, we are enjoying really swimming in the cool lake water. Oh, it is a dream.

Whether at the beach or the lake, Baby Jo always has the most fun, hands down! She cannot get enough of the sand.

(sand on Mommy's piggies)

Diving for it.

We are so grateful for our beautiful lake!


Sharee Gariety said...

Hi Lara! I'm glad you guys have a camera now, and I can see what you've been up to lately. It stinks that California is so expensive. That's one reason I think we won't ever move back there. But I think Utah is probably on the other extreme end of the price spectrum for a lot of that stuff, so you really are in for some serious sticker shock. Anyway, I guess just enjoy the adventure, right? Take care!

Keri said...

That is so awesome - I'm jealous! What a fun thing to do and a great place to take the kids. Baby Jo is getting so big and she's just a doll!!

Kristene said...

Lara, I'm so happy to hear about your transition to your new home... What a great area! Love and blessings to your sweet family!

Christy said...


I was so happy to see your comment on my blog...I didn't have your blog address. You have got a beautiful family!

So I didn't know if you knew that Jake my hubbie served in the Ukraine, I'm guessing he served at a different time than you right? Anywhoo we are going to the Ukraine this next week to go to the dedication and visit the areas he served in. Do you remember anything super cool that you recommend us seeing. We will be in Kiev, Bella Zerkov, Nemirov, and Odessa and maybe onto the Crimean Penninsula.

Like I said I was so happy to see your comment because I had thought of you recently in planning for the trip.

You can email me your response at

Where do you live? The lake looks so nice!

Look forward to hearing from you,