Friday, August 20, 2010

Beach.. what more can I say

So, I've been trying to come up with things to blog about, but not much is happening in our lives except that we go to the beach every week. Everything else is pretty ho-hum. (I'm starting to rethink this whole one car situation... truthfully, I was rethinking it the second we started it over four years ago) We go through our days and try to appreciate our blessings. And although the kiddos were terrified the first few weeks, we have all learned to L*O*V*E the beach!

A 20 minute care ride takes us to paradise.

Now that Baby Jo is confidently mobil, she spends our beach days crawling around in the sand. She LOVES the sand, can't get enough of it. (I've been told that is unusual) I spend the majority of the time following her around and keeping her from picking up garbage.

*One thing I love about Jo is that she has never hit the phase of putting everything in her mouth. She just holds stuff and plays with it without eating. It's WONDERFUL!*

Note: Lulu is wearing Jo's 9 mos. size swimming suite because hers was dirty. Little pixie. To truly appreciate this picture, we had to zoom in on the baby...

This is where your heart should melt... mine does.

She loves being buried.

A few weeks ago, I decided we needed to visit a new playground, and I spotted one on PCH 1, so we tried it one morning. The beach goers don't show up until about 10:30 or 11:00 so we had this beautiful place almost to ourselves.

As I sat here, watching them play with this amazing back drop, I thought to myself, "As hard as this transition is (moving and all), we have so much to appreciate in our new life."

This is definitely one of the big ones.


Amy Jewkes said...

my heart melted!!

Anonymous said...

Lara, I love your updates and I love seeing pictures of your kids! :)

When I am in CA, I'll have to come see you!

Andrea said...

Oooo! Cute kids and fantastic view! Can we come live with you? Looks so dreamy!!!!

Zanny said...

You're making me miss the beach, Lara!!! Aw, we miss you guys! Jo sure is a cutie!