I am resurrecting this blog, blowing off the dust, and posting again. I am doing this for the sole purpose of having a record for my family. Again. The kids are growing so fast and life is getting so busy and we need to remember. So, here we go again.
Starting with Christmas, we spent the holidays in our new home in Colorado. We did our usual tradition of acting out the Nativity.
The manger and blanket/sheep.
Siya was Mary, Truman was the baby, Caleb was Joseph, and both girls wanted to be angels and not shepherds, so Mom was the shepherd.
Christmas morning did not disappoint. We had such a happy, relaxing, exciting morning. We spent the day together, playing with all the toys and gifts we received. It could not have been more fun.
Siya loved her Bubble Guppies theatre stage for quite a while. We also wore our new Christmas pj's for most of the morning. This was the first year we opened pj's on Christmas Eve. Adam really wanted to have this tradition in our family.
Caleb LOVES LOVES LOVES legos. Anything legos. It's a fun phase. Now I just have to come up with a way to keep the legos off the ground so that Truman doesn't eat them now that he is rolling everywhere.
Adam's big gift was a ladder! Functional, but he was excited.
Truman LOVED his first Christmas! He is just as sweet as sweet can be.
Lucy loved her giant art kit. She is still using it quite often three months after Christmas. Thanks Meema!
We had a merry merry Christmas indeed!
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