Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We had a family trip to the zoo and it was wonderful! Because we have lived our whole married life close to our parents, we rarely venture out to do fun things just as a small family. We are so busy having fun with extended family, we kind of forget. So, we decided to do something fun just us, and it was great.

Caleb's favorite animal to say is "bear" and he growls like a bear. He says it with a very long "ee" so it kind of sounds like "beer" and he usually says it long and excited. What a cutie pie. Here are some fun pics from our day.


Saying hi to the giraffe.

Lucy is chilling in the background hidden in our stroller (see a couple of posts ago for details on our awesome stroller). Tons of kids loved this lion drinking fountain. There was always a herd of children climbing all over the lion and playing in the water.

When I finally took a drink I had to close my eyes; all the grime and thoughts of thousands of little dirty hands just grossed me out.


Anonymous said...

I am just a germ freak. Yesterday at the Fun Park I went through a small bottle of hand sanitizer. It is a good thing I keep a large bottle at home so I can refill it after every outing.

It looks like you had a great time at the zoo. We are headed there on Saturday. I hope the weather is good.

Anonymous said...

how fun! we are the opposite here with no family we always do stuff just as our foursome or with our friends so i miss having extended family around. glad you can do both!!! it seems like you've adjusted to two kids great! it's been an adjustment for me but i think i've got a better handle on it now than in the first few weeks:D i now know why people space their kids out more than two years - toddlers and babies are a lot of work together!:D but i still want the next one close together:D ok, long comment! have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Ah, family adventures is where it's at. Even without children, Rick and I find this time alone to be very rewarding and we love it. Great pics!