Friday, February 27, 2009

Potty potty potty...

Potty training time. No pictures. I thought it would be inappropriate.

The Method:

Naked bum- He is more aware of his bodily functions when there is nothing catching them (gross). He seems to keep it all in unless he runs and hides to do his business. So, I just don't let him hide anywhere.

Frequency on the john- The first few days, it was every half hour: on the hour, half past, etc. It has now been pushed to about an hour.

Potty Candy- To make him tolerate sitting on the pot so much, he gets a jelly belly every toilet visit, with or without the desired results. It makes the whole experience much happier for him.

Books- The candy and books help distract him so he sits on his throne long enough to allow something to happen. It usually takes a minute or two get anything out. (gross!)

Expecting Excrement (gross!!!)- As long as I expect mistakes during this learning process, the whole thing is much less stressful. So, I am constantly armed with a rag, carpet cleaner, extra underpants and jeans for when we go out, etc.

Shower- My friend Shiloh recommended using a shower as the consequence for accidents. Not a punishment, just the inevitable result of making a mess. He doesn't like the shower so I hope it helps motivate him to not have accidents. I may not continue this if it appears to be too traumatic. He keeps saying scary after the shower. I'll keep you updated.

Overall, the last week has proven hugely successful. He has caught on very quickly to the concept and, as I said before, generally holds it in well when he's naked. Hopefully, in the next little while, he will learn how to tell me he needs to go, and will hold it in well with clothes on. Unfortunately, our society does not accept bare bums all over the place.

note: five different words are used to reference the toilet. See if you can find them all.


Keri said...

Good luck! It's a new ride, but worth it. I used the shower thing with Aidan and it's gone over well. He hates to get his face/hair wet so he doesn't like it. Plus Austin did it warm and Aidan loved it, so I do cold now and he doesn't like it. Now if he is about to have an accident or starts to do a tiny bit and stops he says "no cold shower mom!" He hasn't had to have a shower since Sunday and tells me when he needs to go - it's heaven!

Jessie said...

Way to go girl! You have been so much braver than I was during all of this. I remember whining and complaining A LOT. Anyway, good job!

sara said...

wow! it's so much work. Good job, it sounds like he'll get the hang of it quickly with all your methods and techniques.

brenley said...

good luck! potty training was way easier than i thought it would be with jorgen. but i think it's because after two accidents he HATED being wet so he just decided he'd rather do it on the potty. that said, if something creeps up and he starts having accidents, i like the shower idea...maybe colder shower would work for jorgen. either way, good luck! oh the life of a mother and toddler for that matter:)

Jon and Shiloh said...

LOL - I love your post. I giggled through the whole read!! I wish you good luck and may Caleb be 10 times easier to potty-train than Jeven was :) Yes, I found out the shower worked (for Jeven) on accident. After he had pooped in his pants for the umpteenth time I had one of those "duh" moments...the shower was the easiest place to clean it all off. The shower was not his favorite and it was enough motivation for him to give in and let mom win. (He was 3 1/2 and I really didn't want a 4 year old in diapers). I'm starting to potty-train Azure. She is soooo much easier. I can't remember the last time I changed a poopie diaper and no shower involved.

Andrea said...

AWESOME!! Good luck girly! I get to try that sometime this summer. Wahoo!!! Hurray for potty time!