Saturday, January 16, 2010


Because of our stake conference meetings last week, I felt really motivated to finally get some 72 hour kits together. A full on food storage is kind of difficult to tackle when you know you might be moving in the next year or so. But, 72 hour kits are completely doable. I printed off different lists of suggested materials for the kits, went on a shopping spree, and packed two back packs full of granola bars, soup, water bottles, trail mix, soap and first aid supplies, etc. I think I always felt that I knew I would put something together and then forget about them and everything would be spoiled by the time we had an emergency. I read a good idea online which is to update at every General Conference, because the guidelines recommend updating every six months. What better reminder to update our physical storehouses than General Conference which restocks our spiritual necessities.

Another item mentioned on different lists was a tent. We've looked at different tents over the years, always thinking we would invest in one. Well, with the combination of the 72 hour kit bee-in-my-bonnet plus a great deal on KSL (LOVE online classifieds), we bought a tent and decided to use it right away... our living room. We had a party; G-Force the movie, popcorn, drinks, and the kids got stay up way past their bedtime, all the way till 9:30 (they are such party animals).

This is Lulu's cheese face apparently.

Adam and the kids slept in the tent while the baby and I retired to our normal beds. Baylub kept calling the tent a fort. It was fun, making memories and doing something as a family.


Mandy said...

Oh how fun is that!! Thank you for helping motivate me, we NEED to get on our 72 hour kits. I always think about it, then get distracted and have kept putting it off. Thanks for the example :)
Camp out in the living FUN!!

Keri said...

What a fun idea! We'll have to do it sometime....where you moving to in a year?

Andrea said...

You party animals! I never thought of a tent as being part of a 72 hour kit! Love the picts! Jo's blessing dress is darling!!!!

Johnstun Fam said...

so fun! I heard the same thing about updated 72 hour kits during general conference weekend. I have been wanting to get some done as well, especially with all these crazy earthquakes.