Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Big Events Part 2

We have moved our big family into a teeny tiny apartment. Here are some of the things I have been grateful for the last few weeks while trying to move.

1- Adam got a job. A construction related job at that. I am so proud of him and so grateful for this incredible tender mercy. He works for a small construction scheduling company in Laguna Hills in Southern California.

2- Cabo San Lucas. My first time to Mexico was amazing mainly because I was there with Adam and with my sweet baby sister and her darling friends. I have never felt the ocean so warm. It was a graduation present from my parents. And as luck would have it, we lost our camera so, no pictures. Just imagine paradise and pretend that I have of picture of that here because that's what it was... paradise.

3-My family. I can't imagine trying to move far away with nobody there to help pack, clean, and babysit. I am so blessed.

4- Our clean apartment. We have felt extremely blessed and guided to find this place to live.

5-Our new ward and other friends that showed up in numbers to help us move in, most of them having never even seen us before. I have gained a new appreciation for the role of the Elder's Quorum has in helping people move. Their help was indispensable.

5- Laundry on the balcony. Our washer and dryer are in a closet off of the balcony which means I get to do laundry outside surrounded by palm trees, lemon and orange trees, other foliage and wonderful so-cal weather. It makes me smile every time I'm out there.

6- Purple trees. Right now a certain tree is in bloom here that has this deep lavender blossom, so strikingly beautiful. I love it.

I could go on. We have been so richly blessed.


Johnstun Fam said...

I am so glad you made is safely to your new home! and wow, it sounds just amazing, I would love to do laundry out side in that beautiful weather! I can't wait to see pictures of your new place. How is Adam liking his new job? Tell him hello for us and the kiddies too! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!!

Andrea said...

Oh I'm so glad that you're doing well! I've been waiting for news of you and yours!!! Sounds heavenly and I am so sorry about your camera!!! Hope you get one soon so we can see!!! Will you be coming for Bethany's wedding?

Zanny said...

Oh Lara!! I didn't even get to say goodbye, which is probably better, because I SO would have cried!! I'm so very happy for you guys, I know how long you've been wanting this! I can't wait to see you again!
Don't forget us back here in Utah!!! ;-)

Tabitha said...

Congratulations! So exciting to have so many new adventures!

Jess said...

I cried reading that...I miss you, but I am so excited for you guys. What an amazing adventure! I would love to come help you do laundry on your balcony. seriously. I am glad things are going well for you there!

Elise said...

Good things going for you guys! That makes me happy!

Nicole said...

That all sounds wonderful! It sounds like things are going so well for you guys. Sorry about your camera...that doesn't sound great but everything else does! Glad you are loving your new place.

Sarah said...

yay sounds like you're loving your new home. i can't believe you lost your camera! ps. the van gogh is at the getty (downtown location) it's home there. there is a da vinci show on right now...and it's all free except parking.

Sarah said...

ps. just realized the photo on blog is monet, but they have van gogh too!