Baby Siya at one month. She is chubbing up, smiling so easily as long as she can focus on you, looking like she was male patterned baldness with her baby hair falling out, and sleeping well some nights, not so well on others. My mom came out to visit again and we loved having her here. Siya loves being held and loves her siblings. She loves to arch her back and throw her had to the side and behind her which is what she would do in the womb to make herself turn transverse, which happened during labor by the way. That is a whole other story.
Delicately opening her presents...
Pretty ballerina. She puts her fingers together and then lifts them above her head and spins.
Baylub is FIVE. He is such a big boy, entering the phase of LOVING to tease his sisters constantly... for no reason at all. I enjoy that so much (insert sarcastic tone here). He is helpful and more reasonable as well. I forget how much he understands and still try to enforce things just because I'm the mom rather than explaining situations out to him. When I do explain, most of the time, it goes so much easier. He gets it and cares more now. We had a party with Adam's brother and his wife who were visiting us from Utah. We had chocolate cake and played spin the bottle, per his request. He learned of the game from the book "Arthur's Birthday" but we switched the kissing to hugging instead which was much more appropriate for a five year old birthday party.
Spinning the Costco water bottle.
Baby Siya, looking so bright with the flash
One whole hand old! I remember my 5th birthday party. That, to me, is crazy that my baby boy is at that same age.
We have so much to be thankful for and have had a wonderful time this month celebrating the wonderful angels who have been sent to our family.
1 comment:
We had so much fun with you guys! Can't wait to see you back in Utah! :)
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