Friday, August 3, 2012


Something that I have noticed with having multiple kids close together is that the younger children all think that they are as old as their siblings. Anastasiya is no exception. She is never satisfied at meal time unless she is as engaged as everyone else, meaning she needs to be stuffing her face like the rest of us. I had to capture the first messy event on camera.

First time having her own plate.

So excited to be a big kid.

Will you stop with the pictures (she actually is not a fan of the camera, the flash makes her wary)

yum, yum...

It actually was not too messy because I purposefully gave her a dry pancake and blueberries. She did end up pulling the plate onto her lap and eating the rest from that position.

One of the best parts of parenting is watching the kids learn and push themselves. Even the little things like pancakes in a tiny fist can be so thrilling.

*Thank you for looking past the booger sitting on her upper lip. Sometimes I think it is a permanent fixture.

1 comment:

carol said...

Siya's look is very wisely knowing it seems. She seems to be deciding whether to go home with her parents, or stay at
Grandmas - assessing her angles so she can arm herself with a capable strategy when the opportunity comes to declare what she plans to do.
love Meema